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Publié par Patrick

En attendant, le prochain thème, terminons la semaine avec Ennio Morricone et cet extrait du film politique "Sacco et Vanzetti" réalisé par Giuliano Montaldo, en 1971,  avec Gian Maria Volonté et Riccardo Cucciola. Un film et une musique de Morricone, alliée, cette fois, au talent de Joan Baez,  qui conservent cette force dans le propos. En outre, l'interprétation est très juste pour un sujet pas si évident à traiter. On se doit de regarder au moins une fois ce long-métrage pour l'engagement de tous. 

Voici les paroles ( vu sur ce site http://www.lacoccinelle.net/297910.html:

Yes, I am a prisoner.
Fear not to relay my crime.
The crime is loving the forsaken
Only silence is shame

And now I'll tell you what's against us
An art that's lived for centuries
Go through the years and you will find
What's blackened all of history
Against us is the law with its immensity of strength and power
Against us is the law !
Police know how to make a man a guilty or an innocent
Against us is the power of police !
The shameless lies that men have told will ever more be paid in gold
Against us is the power of the gold !
Against us is racial hatred and the simple fact
That we are poor

My father dear,
I am a prisoner
Don't be ashamed to tell my crime
The crime of love and brotherhood
And only silence is shame

With me I have my love, my innocence, the workers, and the poor
For all of this I'm safe and strong and hope is mine
Rebellion, revolution don't need dollars they need this instead
Imagination, suffering, light and love
And care for every human being
You never steal, you never kill
You are a part of hope and life
The revolution goes from man to man and heart to heart
And I sense when I look at the stars
That we are children of life
Death is small.

The ballad of Sacco et Vanzetti - Part 2.

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